Swami Yogananda Giri College

Accredited with B++ Grade by NAAC

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Chokapara, Assam
783354 - Assam

College Library

Welcome to Swami Yogananda Giri College Library

The college library was established in the year 1994 with the mission to fulfill the academic goals of the college thereby enhancing the intellectual curiosity of the users. At our library, we are dedicated to supporting your academic success. Explore our library, access our resources and embark on your journey of discovery with us.

The Library provides an open access system and has a spacious reading area providing a conducive environment for intellectual discovery. At present the library has a total collection of about 10,019 printed books, printed journals, magazines, newspapers, back volumes and other reading materials.


Library Collections

Name of the Resources


Books (Text &Reference Books)


Printed Journals






Library Facilities & Services:

  • Air conditioned reading room: The library is fully equipped with air conditioned reading rooms for the users to have the best of their reading time.
  • E-Resources Membership: The college library is a member of N-List through which the users can access 199500+e-book and 6000 +e-journals available in the N-List database.
  • Display of new arrivals: New books and journals are put on display for the users on arrival in the library.
  • Reprography Service: The users can get photocopies of their desired documents in the library.
  • Internet Facility: The library provides free internet access facility to its users through LAN connected computers and through WI-FI.
  • Career Guidance: The library has a good  collection  of books and journals on competitive examinations and career options.
  • Library User Orientation :- Library orientation Programmes are provided to the new users of the library to make them acquainted with the various services and facilities of the library.

Library Membership:

  • All faculty staff and students of the institute are entitled to library membership.
  • Membership is allowed only after submitting a duly filled in and signed membership form.

Library Hours

  • Monday to Saturday: 9.00 A.M -4.00 P.M.

Sundays: Closed

Expenditure for purchases of EBooks

Expenditure for purchases of EBooks

Docs to download