1 |
Name of the department |
Assamese |
2 |
Year of Establishment |
1994 |
3 |
Name of Programmes/Courses offered |
UG |
4 |
Annual/Semester/Choice based credit system(Programme wise) |
Semester |
5 |
Total number of Faculty members |
4 (Four) |
6 |
Name of certificate course |
7 |
List of senior visiting faculty |
Nill |
8 |
Number of faculty with ongoing project |
Nill |
9 |
Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning |
Normal classroom teaching, using teaching aids |
10 |
Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities |
Many students and Faculties fo the department are engaged in social responsibility activity. |
- Faculty Profile with name,qualification,designation, specialization etc.
Name |
Sex |
Qualification |
Designation |
Specialization |
Years of Experience |
Md Farizul Hoque |
Male |
M.A, M.Phil,SLET |
Assistant Professor |
Language |
20 |
Dr Tarun Ch Roy |
Male |
M.A,M.Phil, Ph.D, NET |
Assistant Professor |
Language |
17 |
Mrs Sefali Roy |
Female |
M.A,M.Phil, NET |
Assistant Professor |
Language |
17 |
Mrs Bonti Roy |
Female |
M.A,M.Phil, SLET |
Assistant Professor |
Literature |
16 |
- Departmental Library:
Our department has a small library having 160 nos of books. It contains taxt book and reference book. Separate book issue register has maintained by the department and one of the faculty member is accorded to assigned for keeping the records. Student can borrow books in every working day We called book from outgoing students and from faculty members of our department as donation to the department library.
- Participation of the teachers in various faculty improvement programmes:
Sl No |
Name of the Teacher |
Orientation/Refreshar/Short Term Course |
Seminer/Workshop/Conference |
1. |
Md Farizul Hoque |
OP=02 RC=02 STC=01 FDP=01 |
National=07 International=02 State=05 |
2. |
Dr Tarun Ch Roy |
OP=01RC= 03 STC=01FDP=02 |
National=07 International= 02 State=05 |
3. |
Mrs Sefali Roy |
OP=01RC=02 STC=02 FDP=04 |
National=10 International= 04 State=00 |
4. |
Mrs Bonti Roy |
OP= 00 RC= 00 STC= 00 FDP=00 |
National=International= State= |
- Publication in Books/Journal/Edited Books/Journal/Chapter:
Farizul Hoque
- F.Hoque, Bishnu Rabhar Geetot Janojibanor Protidhoni,Hel, Asom Sahitya Sabhar Kendrio Bishnu Rabha Divas,20th June 2012, Pages-30-33, Edited by Farizul Hoque, (ISBN-978-93-81850-11-4)
- F.Hoque, Boigganik chinta Dharar Protic Muhammad,Proceedings of National Seminer Cum Conference, Pages-104-107, Edited by A.Hoque& N.I.Barbhuyan,Sept,2014 (ISBN-0-9760059-0-5)
- F.Hoque, Dr. Bhupen Hazarikar Geetot Manob Prem,NECTAR, Journal,Pages-112-117, Editor: Dr.Mir Jahan Ali Prodhani,No-1,2015, (ISSN-2394-9082)
- F. Hoque, Mizo Traditional Dance as a Meadow of Folklorististic Horizon,Pages-92-97, Folkloristic Identity of Tribal India, Editor: Guptajit Pathak,2015,(ISBN-978-93-8315-850-8)
- F.Hoque, Tripurar Riyang Janagosthir Sangskriti, Cultural Diversity of the Ethnic Groups in North East India,Pages- 151-154,Edited by Guptajit Pathak&Azizur Rahman Sarkar,2016, (ISBN-978-93-81234-46-4)
- F.Hoque, Role of Women in Social Activity, Art Culture Heritage and Development,Pages-230-232, Editor: Guptajit Pathak, 2016, (ISBN-978-93-81234-47-1)
Tarun Ch.Roy
1. T.C.Roy, Bideshi Prabrajan Aru Asamiya Bhasa-Sangskritit iear Probhab,Migration in Assam A Collection of UGC sponsored seminer paper 11th &12th June,2011,(ISBN-978-93-5067-799-5)
2. T.C.Roy, Rajbongshi loka-Sangskritit loka BiswasLoka Sanskritit Subash,Feb,2011,(ISSN-13-978-81-910859-8-3)
3. T.C.Roy, Pachim Asamat Prochalita Bangala Bhasa Pachim Simantiya Asamar Bhasa-Sahitya-Sangskriti Saurabh,Dec, 2013,(ISBN-978-93-84095-46-8)
4. T.C.Roy, Pachim Asamar Bangali Sakalar Utsab-Anusthan Sahity-Sangskriti Mukur, Dec,2014 (ISBN-978-93-84095-46-8)
5. T.C.Roy, Pachim Asamar Koch-Rajbongshi Loka Samajat Prachalita Khel-Dhemali: Eti Adhyayan Deepsikha,11 Year.Nov,2017 (ISSN-2348-9049)
6. T.C.Roy, Abibhakta Goalpara Jilat Prachalita Asamiya Basha: Parampara Aru Paribartan Asamiya Bhasa Sahitya Sangskriti: Parampara Aru Paribartan; Sep,2018, (ISBN-978-93-87263-77-2)
7. T.C.Roy, Asamar Sangskritir Samridhi Karanat Paribeshya Kala Hisabe Namani Asamot Prachalita Koch Rajbongshi Sakalor Lokanritya Anusthan: Ek Samikhya Panchajanya, Feb, 2022, (ISBN-978-93-91064-68-6)
8. T.C.Roy, Koch-Rajbongshi Bhasar Bakyattwa: Ati Alochana Dawan: A Collection of Research Articles, Jan,2020,(ISBN-978-93-85837-65-4)
Sefali Roy:
- Sefali Roy,Annya Ek Bidhushi Nari: Rani Abhayaswari, Souvenir: Gosaigaon Sakha Sahitya Sabha, January,2016 (ISSN-2394-5060)
- Sefali Roy, Human Rights, Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in NE India with reference to Assam, First Edn. 2016 (ISBN- 978-93-82746-93-5)
- Sefali Roy, Cry of Women Characters in Mamoni Raisom Goswamis “Moth Eaten Howdah of the Tuskar”. Vidyawarta, Issue-22,Vol-04 June 2018(ISSN-2319-9318
- Sefali Roy, Recounting the Proverbs of Koch Rajbonshi Society, Printing area, Issue-33, Vol-07, Sept2017 (ISSN-2394-5303)
- Sefali Roy, Koch Rajbanshi Bhasar Byakyatatta: Ati Aalochona, Dawn/2021,Editor: Dr. Manoranjan Roy (ISBN-978-93-85837-68-4)
- Sefali Roy, Asomar Sanskritir Samridhir Korokat Poribeshyo Kola Hisabe Namoni Asomot Procholito Koch Rajbanshi Sokolar Lokonritya Anusthan: Ak Samikhysha, Panchajanya,Feb,2022 (ISBN-978-93-91064-68-6)
- SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans
SWOC analysis
1.Qualified and sincere faculty members
2.Cordial and co-operative relation between the teacher and the taught.
- Good number of student.
- Apart from teaching, teachers are involving in various co-curriculum activities, research works, workshops, FDP,STC,OP,RC etc.
Insufficient infrastructure.
Insufficient reading room
Lack of separate room for departmental Musium.
- To keep pace with the rapid changes in higher education.
- To make Assamese subject a popular one among the students.
Future plans of Assamese Department:
- A. in Assamese
- To arrange UGC sponsored National Seminars.
- Add on course in Communicative Assamese
- Application of Assamese Language on Computer.
- The Department Maintains (Put tick marks):
- Teaching/Lesson Plan of the Teacher
- Academic Diary
- Weekly Work Load
- Departmental Routine
- Attendance Register of Students
- Merit Register of Internal Assessment
- Updated Register of Departmental Library
- Contact Detail: Md Farizul Hoque (HoD)
Mobile No: 9101032201
Email ID:
Signature of HOD
Department of Assamese